Účast v jazykovém projektu
Velvyslanectví ČR v Kodani přeposlalo email firmy Lionbridge s žádostí o účast v jazykovém projektu, který je v rámci výzkumu jednotlivých jazyků u rodilých mluvčích, včetně českých. Účast v projektu je finančně odměněna a trvá přibližně 2 hodiny (viz níže o technických detailech projektu):
Hello, My name is Benjamin Kärki and I found your contact information from: www.mzv.cz. I am part of the Lionbridge Global Services for Machine Intelligence Recruitment Team. I think you may be a good candidate to participate in a currently on-going Language Research through Images project. We are now recruiting people for a Czech language Research through Images project. We would greatly appreciate your participation in this project, and we urge you to share it with your friends and family that also speak Czech language on a native level. Please also share this project with your networks and colleagues! The goal of the language research project is to aid in the development of speech recognition technology for the Czech language. The task is simple and does not require any specific or previous experience. You will see images and will need to record your voice while you see them depending upon the text suggestion that is shown above every image (e.g. Describe the image, Catchphrase, Talk to the image). It is required that you are a native speaker. However, participants can be located anywhere in the world as the tasks can be done easily from home. You are required to have either an Android phone, or Android tablet. Alternatively, you may also use any computer with Chrome browser, an internet connection, and a quiet space to make your recordings. Unfortunately, this means that you are unable to complete this task using an iOS device. Here are all the project details to get you started: Language Research through Images Project (participant’s age 18+): The duration of the task is approximately 2 Hours Compensation: 27 USD after completing the entire task The payment will be done by PayPal or Direct Bank Transfer via XendPay To participate it is mandatory to first fill in the form -> Registration link: https://fs30.formsite.com/LB2014/cs_CZ/index.html
Once the registration form has been completed, our production team will contact you with additional details and instructions.
Your participation and support would be highly appreciated!
If you would like to know more about Lionbridge, and what we do here at Lionbridge GSMI, you can check out our website at: https://www.lionbridge.com/en-us/global-services-for-machine-intelligence Please let me know if you have any issues or concerns with the registration process. I would like to wish you a marvelous Monday!
Warm Regards,
Benjamin Kärki
Benjamin Kärki Recruiter, Global Services for Machine Intelligence Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. Hermiankatu 12 C, FI-33720 Tampere Finland